How can I advertise my discount authentic designer handbags to the public without spending any money?
you can advertise at yahoo and google with free.I have a $100 yahoo advertising coupon and $50 google adword coupon.I give you for free.Increase your product sales with that coupon.i have a $100 face book advertising coupon too.If you want,i sell to you only $5.If you buy it from me,i give you 1 more $100 face book advertising coupon for free.Contact me at my profile or
Well, I would go to a small clothing boutique or even one of those Hallmark small stores and ask the manager if you can have a display to sell your bags and they would get a certain percentage of the sale. You provide the display. Also, go to a consignment shop. Each consignment shop is different so it is best to find the best one with the most shoppers.
I'd love to see what you are selling!!!! I could be a potential customer if your bags are authentic and current in style!
Why don't you want to use ebay? For what you want to do it would be the best option :)
If you want to get more serious, you could design a webpage, put the pictures of all the handbags there and promote the page heavily (you could use e.g.
or and obviously get as many links to it as possible.
I still think that ebay would be the best option for you.
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